Attention! Digital Signage Ahead!

Elements of effective digital signage that provides value and genuine interest to its audience.

While it's good to have advanced warning of a problem, such as roadworks, closures, or diversions, our truDigital signage team appreciate that the headline to this blog is not a message you are ever likely to see. But, just like other messaging signage, the first key of effective digital signage is to attract the attention of either a passing, or a waiting, audience. These people then quickly need to find the content to be of value to them.

Why this need for speed?

Recent surveys have discovered that the initial human attention span to stimuli is shortening. At the turn of the millennium, it was reckoned to be about twelve seconds; now it's about two-thirds of that. Time was when a wait of a few seconds for a computer page to load was simply accepted; now most people expect this process to be virtually instant. If it isn't, frustrations seem to grow ever-more quickly!

It's also fair to say that there are ever more possibilities reaching out to grasp our attention. For example, faced by any kind of delay, even if it's minimal, how often do you see people react (you may have done this yourself) by simply reaching for their mobile phone?

Splitting the message

Therefore, if we accept that both gaining and keeping people's attention is vital - but is not as easy as it used to be - then your digital signage needs to be presented in a way that attracts today's audience. This often means shorter, sharper impacts, perhaps splitting a single key message into several scrolling components. Luckily, with an agile, cloud-based content system, our truDigital team know how effectively this can be achieved.

Matching your content, and its delivery, to the circumstances

Scrolling and updated digital signage menus in restaurants or fast-food outlets can help, and perhaps even speed up, customer choice. In medical facilities, important advice or tips can often be offered to a waiting audience. Retail digital signage, from shopping malls to gas stations, can deliver instant offers to passing foot traffic; hotels can use it to move visiting traffic to specific locations for meetings, celebrations, and other special events. It might be appropriate to encourage viewers to download an app, or offer key codes they can use to obtain deals or discounts. In each case, digital signage works to swiftly gain attention, and then deliver messages with the flexibility to target likely audience behaviors. In all this, effective content remains king - no matter how effectively you present a message, it must be of recognizable value and provide genuine interest to its audience.

Considering a brighter source

Incidentally, we are increasingly being asked about using 4K screens as a successor to HD, to increase the brightness and clarity of impactful messages. There are several factors to consider. One key, for example, is that 4K is most effective as a close-up experience; viewing a screen from a distance will limit this impact.

Build an effective digital signage strategy

All of the above are key strands in achieving this. If you would like to discuss one or more of these elements - or have specific questions to ask - our truDigital team, based here in Sandy, Utah is happy to discuss these with you, obligation-free of course. You can reach us now by dialing 1-801-852-9898...

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