How Digital Signage Makes Your Work Environment More Interesting

The Next Step for a Great Employee Experience

One of the most important challenges you face when establishing your workplace environment is creating a space that is both engaging and encourages productivity. At truDigital, we’re dedicated to helping people just like you transform their workspace with digital signage. Here’s how digital signage can make your work environment more interesting!

Promote Positivity in the Workplace

On its surface, digital signage may seem like a simple way to convey information, but it has a lot to offer in terms of employee morale! It can easily be customized to suit your specific workplace, especially when it comes to colors. You see, when color is transmitted through the human eye, the brain releases a hormone through the hypothalamus that affects our moods, mental clarity, and energy. Why do most fast food restaurants use red in their signage? Why do therapeutic offices often decorate with neutral tones? The answer is simple: evidence has shown that different colors elicit different moods. Red is a bright color and draws the eye, encouraging customers to visit. Neutral tones prompt feelings of calmness, comfort, and stability. Whether you’re looking to keep your employees engaged or convey essential information to customers, you can quickly and easily customize your digital signage to fit your needs.

In addition to colors, the brightness and moving images of digital signage can promote awareness and decreased fatigue. Do you ever wonder why it’s harder to fall asleep immediately after scrolling a newsfeed or watching a movie, or question why our phones have a lower toned “night-mode”? Exposure to the blue light emitted from electronic devices can improve alertness and performance in humans. While this may not be great if you’re staring at your phone right before you go to bed, it can help your employees stay more alert during the workday. By introducing digital signage into your workplace, you can easily improve employee morale and productivity!

Increase Learning Efficiency with Personalized Technology

Workplace dynamics have changed a lot over the years, and it’s important to recognize that what has worked in the past will not have the same success rate for today’s generations. You may have up to five generations all working together:

  • Traditionalists – Born prior to 1945
  • Baby Boomers – 1946 – 1964
  • Gen. X – 1965 – 1980
  • Millennials – 1981 – 2000
  • Gen. Z – Born after 2000

With this kind of diversity, companies can no longer afford to create a single set of materials that treat audiences the same. Instead, it’s most effective to use technology to tailor important information and trainings to your specific team and their needs. Digital signage is a dynamic, engaging way to ensure that all of your employees have the opportunity to learn and grow. You can even customize your signage to suit a wide variety of learning styles. It’s never been easier to dramatically increase employee success and satisfaction by helping each employee learn and perform at their best.

Improve Engagement and Productivity

Digital signage can be a powerful way to improve morale around your workplace. According to a report released by HPE Aruba, employees feel more positive if they are working in a digital environment. Feedback from 7,000 employees collected from around the world found that a digital work environment helps people feel more positive and productive. Employees who work in a fully enabled digital workplace were 51% more likely to report workplace satisfaction. They also reported an elevated ability to learn new work-related skills. By adding digital signage to your workplace, you can easily improve mood, productivity, and employee morale.

Enhance Company Culture 

It probably won’t come as a surprise that happy employees are more likely to feel inspired in the workplace. That’s why it’s so important to establish a strong, positive company culture. Digital signage is a great way to encourage inspiration, engagement, and employee satisfaction! 

You can use digital signage to recognize your employees’ exemplary conduct, celebrate notable employee achievements, and highlight instances where an employee has gone the extra mile. This is an encouraging way to recognize hardworking employees and motivate others to follow suit, and it can create a culture where everyone takes pride in their own successes and the success of the team as a whole. And because digital signage is easy to update on the fly, you’ll never have to worry about missing out on one of your employees’ big moments.

Ready to take the first step of transforming your work environment using digital signage? At truDigital, we’re here to guide you! Contact our truDigital team for an obligation-free discussion about your signage needs by calling 1-801-852-9898 or by using our truDigital Live Chat Box below. We can’t wait to hear from you!

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